
Remember: The text of the Convention clearly states that exports in specimens of CITES-listed species require advice by the Scientific Authority of the State of export that such exports will not be detrimental to the survival of that species. Note, however, that the Convention does not give any guidance on how to conduct a non-detriment finding. Most guidance and recommendations related to undertaking a non-detriment finding has been articulated through many different Resolutions.

A non-detriment finding, therefore, may be specific to the range state, ecosystem or species. Given the level of vulnerability of the species, it may also vary in degrees of complexity. That is, a species with very low volumes in trade and that has low vulnerability, may not require an overly complex non-detriment finding.


The above rule of thumb is never absolute; it serves only as general guidance. The complexity of a non-detriment finding will always be dependent on a number of different factors and on the uniqueness of the species and its ecosystem.

Rollover each box to see a brief explanation on the relationship between the level of trade, vulnerability of the species and non-detriment findings.


Modifié le: vendredi 21 mars 2014, 19:17