Non-Detriment Findings in CITES

A non-detriment finding requiring the advice of a Scientific Authority that a proposed action will not be detrimental to the survival of a species is a concept found in Articles III and IV of CITES.

This advice is effectively a decision that must be made by the Scientific Authority.

A non-detriment finding can take many forms:

  • A written advice from the Scientific Authority
  • A verbal advice from the Scientific Authority
  • A quota agreed by the Scientific Authority for a specific time period

A non-detriment finding is not required for the export of specimens of Appendix III-listed species*

*This is worth remembering when proposing species for inclusion in Appendix III (see Article 5)


CITES World: Number 11 - July 2003: Appendix III...? This 11th edition of CITES World examines this seemingly forgotten list, looking at the current level of trade in Appendix-III species, and what makes for a suitable listing.


Remember: Parties have a legal obligation as established by the Convention to undertake non-detriment findings!

Last modified: Thursday, 13 March 2014, 6:11 PM