4.11 Lesson Summary: Understanding Non-Detriment Findings
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Lesson Summary: Understanding Non-Detriment Findings
When discussing a non-detriment finding decision, the following key points should be kept in mind:
- Concepts and terminology relating to non-detriment findings are found
- A non-detriment finding is a decision;
- CITES Authorities have specific roles and responsibilities that relate to NDFs;
- Non-detriment findings may appear
- A non-detriment finding is a science-based risk-assessment;
- The non-detriment finding Checklist
- The concept of sustainable useis an essential element in the application of non-detriment findings, pursuant to Article III and Article IV, and in the preamble of the Convention.
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Modifié le: vendredi 14 mars 2014, 11:02